I have to say something about this little "red dot" that has inspired thousands of silly cat videos and hundreds of internet cat memes. lol. My cat won't chase it. She will watch it, track it and follow it with her eyes, but then she looks at me. She knows. She knows I control the red dot. I think she also knows it can't be caught. She knows it's just a light. She knows it's not real. I had a friend come over and witness her resistance first hand. My friend has five cats. She said she has never seen a cat that didn't try to catch the red dot. I would like to think my cat is too smart for the red dot. ..LIKE to think. In other situations, she isn't that smart. Like when she starts scraping the tile on the tub thinking that is part of her litter and by scraping the tile on the tub, it will help cover up her poo. Clearly there is no litter on the tub. But she scratches it as if some piece of the tub is going help her bury her waste. If she didn't do this, I would think she as too smart for the red dot. .. but I think the red dot comes out of rebellion. She is well aware that I am teasing her with it and want her to try and chase it. So she simply rebels against me wanting to make a fool out of her and refuses to follow something she knows she can't catch. Maybe she is smart after all.

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