Saturday, March 15, 2014

Five Reasons Cats Are Better Than Dogs

I realize this is a controversial blog title, but before all you dog people get angry with me I'm going to let you know now that my next blog title is "Five Reasons Dogs Are Better Than Cats".. Because I am both a dog and cat person. I like all furry things actually. Except for wild rats and skunks. Skunks are cute but they really make it smell bad for miles and miles. Rats are kinda cute but they tend to carry diseases. I have been a dog person most of my life but I recently rescued an adorable cat and am just in love with my little furball. She puts a smile on my face every single day just like my dogs have always done. I'm so glad I have her in my life.

Moving along, here are 5 reasons that cats are better than dogs:

1- Cats are not as needy. You can leave a cat at home for a few hours and the cat won't give you a guilty look when you start putting your coat on to head out the door. You dog folks know exactly what look I'm talking about. The look a dog gives you when they know you are going to leave them alone at home. That look like "'re leaving me? here? alone? how come? what am I going to do while your gone? I don't want you to go.... I'm going to pee somewhere because I'm upset you left me here. In fact I might even chew up your shoes"... You won't get that from a cat. A cat won't usually even bat an eye when you start making preparations and start heading towards the door.

2 - Cats are cleaner. Cats don't go outside and roll in the mud or other animal feces. Nor do they eat other animal feces. In fact, they hate their own feces so much that they bury it. They meticulously clean their fur anytime it gets dirty or messy. They don't like to get wet or into anything that's going to make them smell bad.

3- Cats are not as loud. There are a few exceptions as some cats can pack a fairly loud meow.  For the most part, the sound of a cat meowing isn't going to make nearly as much noise as a dog barking. When was the last time you heard a knock at your front door and your cat started meowing? Does your cat start meowing every time someone new walks in the door or when they hear the mailman dropping off a package? Nope. Chances are your cat makes the most noise when they want you to feed them. Once they are fed, the talking is done.

4 - You don't need to walk a cat. Some cats don't even need to go outside. Cats have their own toilets. Its the litter box. Some might argue that cat poop smells worse than dog poop, but the actual size of the poo is usually much smaller than a canines and easier to dispose of.

5 -Kitties Purr.. Dogs can't purr. They can wag their tails and bark, but they just can't make that soothing sound that comes from pure feline happiness. Kitty purring makes everyone happy.

I hope I haven't offended my fellow dog people out there.

Next blog: 5 reasons dogs are better than cats. This is all in good fun.

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